Lemken News

Lemken Ploughing

The use of ploughs is gaining more and more importance in arable farming as the use of crop care products is being reduced. For many farmers, ploughs are the first choice, above all as an alternative to the use of total herbicides and as a means to control herbicideresistant weeds.

Lemken Seedbed Preperation

The soil is the most important resource in productive agriculture. Choice of the primary cultivation procedure, for the particular location, and optimal use of technology, help retain the long-term profitability of the soil. An important factor for a successful harvest is the preparation of seedbeds.

Lemken Stubble Cultivation

LEMKEN offers a wide product range of compact disc harrows and cultivators to enable the forward-looking farmer and contractor to implement a coordinated strategy of stubble cultivation and basic soil cultivation for mulch sowing, depending on the location, soil and prevailing crop rotation.In the process, implements with different tillage intensities, such as the Heliodor and Rubin compact disc harrows or the Koralin, Kristall and Karat cultivators, can be linked to form intelligent process chains. In this way, all crop production requirements can be optimally taken into account at low process costs.

Lemken Intercrop Seeding

The LEMKEN SeedHub ensures precise distribution even in windy conditions. For this purpose, the seed is conveyed via the fan to the baffle plates of the individual sections and, as recommended, evenly distributed on the soil surface in front of the roller or into the soil flow. It can be combined with all LEMKEN compact disc harrows and the Kristall and Karat cultivators.

Lemken Seed Drills

Modern arable farms need high performance equipment, a versatile combination of different functions within an implement, and fastsimple road transport. And all this without compromise to good consolidation and perfect seed placement. The most important feature of a modern drill technology is that it will work flawlessly in both conventional and conservation tillage.

Lemken Precision Seed Drill

With the Azurit, LEMKEN has set standards in precision seeding. The staggered placement of the grains in the DeltaRow triangle provides the plants with more nutrients, more water and more light. With this advantage for the plant, a higher yield can be achieved with the same crop density. The DeltaRow method also enables tramlining with a constant number of plants.

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